
Tips and tutorials about the design and build of web interfaces

How to: datepicker using Illustrator

How to: datepicker using Illustrator

In this post I’m going to show you how to make a datepicker efficiently. A reasonably common user interface element, but can be a source of frustration, to make in design applications. Due to the grid, and amount of items in that grid it can be difficult to align everything…

Illustrator quick tip: export 2x with a 1x canvas

Illustrator quick tip: export 2x with a 1x canvas

So you use Illustrator for designing websites, and that could be because you’re on a retina screen and Illustrator is vector. So you can design at 1x and it not matter, at least that’s the case for me. However, when it comes to exporting it’s a pain, you can use ‘Save to Web’ and increase the size to 200%, but that’s tedious. You know how to export SVG, but exporting PNG files is the issue at retina sizes. In this post I will show you how to overcome that.

How to: swatches in Illustrator

How to: swatches in Illustrator

Swatches in Illustrator isn’t something I have used very often. Partly this has been down to being unsure of the best way, and not trusting that they will remain there. As there are random ones to begin with that you will never use and the process of deleting them seems annoying each time. In this post I’ll show you the best way to clean up existing swatches, add your own and keep them updated.

Tools I use

Tools I use

I figured I would write a post about the tools I use. Some will be familiar, but hopefully there are some that are unfamiliar and end up being useful to you.

Hero area series: Wordpress Customizer with selective refresh

Hero area series: Wordpress Customizer with selective refresh

This post builds upon the previous one in making it editable with Wordpress, using the Customizer API and the newest functionality since 4.5 selective refresh. With this you can make a really smooth and quick editing experience.

Hero area series: HTML, CSS & responsive

Hero area series: HTML, CSS & responsive

The second to last post in this series, coding the page. You’re going to build the page using flexbox and make it responsive. The method that will be used to make it responsive, is mostly mobile first, but it will be making logical decisions based on where CSS only needs applying. This saves you from having to undo it in another media query.

Hero area series: designing for small screens

Hero area series: designing for small screens

The focus has been very much desktop so far, but considerations have been highlighted throughout for smaller screens. I will only cover ‘mobile’ sized resolutions, as for this particular layout you will only need to make minor adjustments for ‘tablet’ sized resolutions.

Hero area series: plan & design

Hero area series: plan & design

This is the start of a series where I’m going to take a common design pattern and go through the process of planning, designing and code. It will follow the process I go through to make websites, but taking a smaller component. The pattern you will focus on within this series is a hero area.

Ways to get post thumbnails in Wordpress

Ways to get post thumbnails in Wordpress

With Wordpress there are a lot of ways to the same thing, for good reason, sometimes you can’t do it one way or the other. This can make it tricky to remember how to do it for each instance. At least this is the case for me. I want to use this post to serve as a guide for each method of doing so. I won’t be covering their parameters, just the necessary steps to retrieve an image.

3 ways to export SVG in Illustrator

3 ways to export SVG in Illustrator

Here’s a quick tip of all the ways you can export SVG in Illustrator. Each have their conveniences, advantages and disadvantages. It’s entirely up to you which you use, there isn’t really a bad way.

How to use JSON-LD to replace Microdata with Wordpress

How to use JSON-LD to replace Microdata with Wordpress

Part of the website world is making it more accessible to bots. Be it search, social or a service like Instapaper. The reason we do this is so our content looks more appealing and isn’t left up to them, to scrape text and images they think is best. I’ll be showing you how I have done it recently with JSON-LD.

Get up to speed with CSS shapes

Get up to speed with CSS shapes

I’ve wanted to explore CSS shapes for a little while now and get a good understanding for it. Find potential use cases, strengths and weaknesses. In this post I’m going to cover the level one properties. At the time of writing level two is in the editors draft and looks to be bringing much more power to them.