This post was published 10 years ago

There's a chance things are out of date or no longer reflect my views today

Object fit for full viewport images with ease

Discovering this CSS feature will make my life much easier where it concerns the positioning of images. It’s like background-size for background images. It’s easy to use and behaves in a similar way albeit different naming. I’m going to show how object-fit and viewport relative units can allow us, to size inline images, without worrying about distortion.


Object fit for full viewport images with ease (featured image)

This CSS feature will make life much easier where it concerns the size of images. It’s like background-size for background images. It’s easy to use and behaves in a similar way albeit different naming. I’m going to show how object-fit and viewport relative units allow, without distortion, sizing inline images, to a more fluid aspect ratio.

The major use case

I’m sure you have wanted images to be updateable through your CMS. You want them to be responsive and fill the container it’s in. As a result you have had to make some kind of sacrifice. object-fit solves this.


object-fit has options none, contain, scale-down and fill (which is the initial value).

.fitted-image {
  object-fit: cover; }


If you notice the crop position isn’t ideal for your image, object-position can help to fix this. It works in a similar way to background position. The initial value is 50% 50%.

.fit-top-center {
  object-position: top center; }

Creating full width/height viewport images

To make an image fill the viewport and avoid distortion, we need to use viewport units and object-fit.

.fitted-image {
  width: 100%;
  height: 100vh;
  object-fit: cover; }

Putting it together

See the Pen NPmgNB by Steve (@stevemckinney) on CodePen.

Browser support

As of writing the only downsides are IE doesn’t support it and Safari on Mac and iOS don’t support object-position. Updated support is always available on caniuse

There are polyfills available, if it’s crucial to you. I’m yet to use them, so I’m not able to provide an opinion.

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