Assignments, dead computer, etc.

This is the first post in a fair while. Basically I just want to say that I’ll be putting more effort into creating posts fairly soon. The reason I haven’t is I’ve been extremely busy with University. I’ve got a fair few assignments now and I had one to hand in recently (yesterday).


Assignments, dead computer, etc. (featured image)

This is the first post in a fair while. Basically I just want to say that I’ll be putting more effort into creating posts fairly soon. The reason I haven’t is I’ve been extremely busy with University. I’ve got a fair few assignments now and I had one to hand in recently (yesterday). If you would like to see the website for my assignment; follow this link: [removed no longer available].

So my focus has been on that, as well as my almost 3 month old MacBook Pro and it’s logic board had gone the week before, it’s still in for repair it’s been a week now so I’m a little worried in some ways. So that’s it for now I guess, I’ll be preparing a tutorial as soon as I get my computer back. Which will be how to create a skip to navigation link, which doesn’t affect your site in anyway. It’ll be with jQuery and a sliding div, though it won’t have to be for a skip link, it can be for anything.

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